Encyclopedia of World Problems

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title:Type codes

For this experimental project within the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential, codes have been appended to the value words on the index pages (and at the end of each profile). These codes correspond to the type sections into which the descriptive profiles have been tentatively clustered in the Encyclopedia. No attempt has been made to use more complex groupings as is done for the associated world problems or strategies database entries.


title:Value polarities


The words used to indicate values tend to be those most subject to misinterpretation and misunderstanding. Indeed, part of their strength in evoking an integrative response from people lies in the way that people can project their different aspirations onto the same word, as can be seen in the case of "peace". Such words therefore lend themselves to the production of lengthy treatises clarifying the ways each may be interpreted, or ought to be.


title:Constructive values


Widespread recognition is currently given to the importance of identifying constructive values as a guide to formulation of policy and action programmes in response to problems. Indeed it may be argued that such problems are only perceptible in the light of the values they infringe. Specific values are frequently cited in political discourse as a rallying focus around which people may be incited to action.


title:Type codes

For this project within the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential, codes have been appended to the names of approaches to human development on the index pages (and at the end of each profile). These codes correspond to the type sections into which the descriptive profiles have been tentatively clustered in the Encyclopedia. No attempt has been made to use more complex groupings as is done for the associated world problems or strategies database entries.

H: Concepts of human development



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