Fraud Monitor

Fraud Item: fraud - World Conference on Human Rights (W.C.H.R) wchr

Fraudulent message

By recommendation, we accept you to participate in the forth-coming conferences, which is scheduled to take place from July 20th - 24th 2014 in 228 Park Avenue South New York U.S.A, and from 26th - 30th of July 2014 in Dakar-Senegal. At Dakar Conference Center Dakar-Senegal, West -Africa. The theme of the forth coming International Conferences is to equip participants with the strategies and policies for Child Exploitation & HIV/AIDS Treatment, Prostitution, Sex Work and forced Labor. These events are being Organized and sponsored by the World Conference on Human Rights (W.C.H.R) in collaboration with other benevolent organizations in the United States of America.

The conference is designed to provide maximum detailed information through an exceptional host of field experienced professionals for the opportunity of significant awareness, discussion, and involvement by conference attendees concerning the many face of human trafficking in the international level.

People of all backgrounds are impacted by trafficking, and for a variety of purposes. Men are often forced into working hard labor jobs, while children are often trafficked into labor positions in industries such as textile, agriculture and fishing. Girls and women are most often trafficked into a segment of the commercial sex industry such as prostitution and other forms of sexual exploitation.

Today, what drives the trade in persons is demand for prostitutes and cheap laborers in developed and developing countries, and the profitability and relatively low risk to traffickers.

Combating human trafficking includes prevention, protection, and prosecution, depends upon a wide range of factors and approaches. The World Conference on Human Rights against Economic Crisis, Child Protection & Prostitution, Sex Work and forced Labor will play a key role in the effort to combat trafficking in persons worldwide.

Delegates who are interested in making paper presentations are advice to make a summary presentation on the above subject.


Violence and the Sex Trade, Children and Teen Victims of Trafficking, International Trafficking,HIV & other Health Related Risks, Programming Models and Funding,

Domestic Trafficking, Personal Experiences in the Sex Trade, Drug Addiction and the Sex Tradesmen & Boys in the Sex Trade, Children of Women in the Sex Industry,

Neighborhood & Community Responses, Emotional Health, Target Assessment & Effective Intervention, Paradigms, Perspectives & Policies, Advocacy & Social Action,

Survivor Experiences and Stories, Law Enforcement Perspectives, Coalition building and Consciousness raising.

Who Should Attend:

The World Conference on Human Rights for Child Exploitation & HIV/AIDS Treatment, Prostitution, Sex Work and forced Labor, is an intense and interactive conference formatted for those who have research results or ideas, who wish to inform their peers of the work of their non-governmental or governmental organization, or who wish to fund anti-trafficking efforts and research:

1. Scholars with an interest in providing knowledge and methodologies to study the problems surrounding human trafficking,

2.Law enforcement, social service agencies, and others who see the effects of trafficking in their work, and can speak about the amount, nature, and causes of trafficking and the efficacy of methods to combat, prevent, and alleviate the effects of trafficking,

3. Government agencies, foundations, and others who will fund knowledge-creation, programs and program evaluation, and methodology-creation work in anti-trafficking efforts, and who wish to speak about their work and their priorities.

4. Students seeking to present, in special student sessions, thesis or dissertation work or proposed work in human trafficking on which they wish feedback.

Translating systems are available at the conference venue for participants who may need them. It is not necessary that one must belong to an organization or anti trafficking group before he/she is eligible to attend these events, interested participants can participate as an individual, or a group of 5 members. Note that it is mandatory participants participate in both venue of the conference as we are ready to explore all aspect to prevent trafficking in human beings for Labor exploitation and sex trafficking.


In order to attend the international conference on World Conference on Human Rights (W.C.H.R) registration is compulsory. Interested participants should send the below information's via email:

•Names exactly as in passport
•Passport Number
•Date of Birth
•Place of Birth
•Country of Residence
•Country Dialing Code
•Marital Status
•Phone Contact
•Postal Address
•Skype ID
•Who invited you?

Please note that the conference is not fully sponsored.

Flight Tickets:

Successful registered participants are entitled to a round trip air ticket which covers participant's country of residents to the United States, from the United States to Dakar-Senegal and back to participants Country of residents will be sponsored by our organization and benevolent donor sponsoring committee.

Hotel Accommodation:

The conference organizing committee will be responsible for registered participant's hotel accommodation in Dakar-Senegal only, due to the inability of our donor sponsoring committee to mobilize enough funds to sponsor the number of expected delegates to attend the conference.

Note: Delegates are responsible for the payment of their hotel accommodation at the recommended hotel in New York U.S.A, where the second phase of the conference will be held. Daily transportation to the conference venue will be provided by the recommended hotel management in New York U.S.A.

Visa Information:

All participants visa assistance request will be forwarded to the U.S Department of State for visa authorization which will be sent by fax to the consular section of the U.S. Embassy, in your country of residence. If you need further information, do not hesitate to contact us through the information's below by Email or Tel.

Alice Ann-Aden
World Conference on Human Rights (W.C.H.R)
228 Park Avenue South New York, NY 10003-1502


The UIA is a self-funded research institute. Your donation helps us continue our work.
Any amount is appreciated!

About the Fraud Monitor

An increasing number of email scams are using NGOs, International NGOs, development agencies, meetings, international conferences etc as the hook to defraud or cheat unsuspecting recipients. Always use caution when responding to or acting on unsolicited bulk email or paper mail.

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De plus en plus d'escrocs agissant par courriel utilisent des organisations non gouvernementales et des organisations non gouvernementales internationales, agences de développement, réunions, conférences internationales…comme mobile pour abuser de la confiance de personnes. Soyez prudents lorsque vous répondez à des courriels ou lettres non sollicitées.