Fraud Monitor

Fraud Item: Charitas Network - Capacity Building Training Workshops in Sustainable Development

Fraudulent message

From: Information Desk, Charitas Network
Sent: November 27, 2013
Subject: Invitation to the 2014 Capacity Building Training Workshops in Sustainable Development.
Invitation to the 2014 Capacity Building Training Workshops in Sustainable Development.

Subject: 2014 Capacity Building Training Workshops in Sustainable Development
Dates and Location: January 27 - February 1, 2014 - Seattle, United States
Event Website:
Organizer: Charitas Network, Foundation for Sustainable Development.

From: Registration Desk, Charitas Network
Date: Dec 2013
Subject: Charitas Network: Workshops Registration and Attendance Sponsorship Approval.

Charitas Network: Workshops Registration and Attendance Sponsorship Approval.

Dear Applicant:

I am pleased to inform you that your registration has been processed and your request for sponsorship to attend the 2014 Training Workshops in Seattle has been accepted: Referring to the quota allocated to your country, we have to inform you that your request for sponsorship in order to support your participation has been accepted while processing your registration information including your initial request for sponsorship.

Upon acceptance of the Offered Sponsorship, a sponsorship package will be reserved under your name, and we are requiring you to confirm your registration.

You are required:
1. to confirm your acceptance of the offered Attendance Sponsorship at:
2. to confirm your registration by completing the payment of the required registration fees.
This offer expires 10 days from the date of this email. If you require an extension please email your request to

Sponsorship Confirmation:
A sponsorship package will be reserved under your name, while awaiting confirmation of your registration.
Please find here details of the sponsorship package:
- Accommodation: a single-room will be reserved in Hotel Andra, Downtown Seattle, 2000 4th Avenue.
- Per Diem: covering daily meals and incidental expenses.
- Transportation: a round-trip airline ticket from your country of residence's international airport to and from Seattle-Tacoma International Airport SEA.

Concerning the visas and logistics, please note that upon completion of your registration, the Logistics Department will prepare and send you via express courier DHL the workshop documents and materials including :
- Entry Visa Documentation.
- Travel Documents.
- Workshop Package.
- Electronic Flight Tickets.
- Flight Schedule.
- Affidavit of Support.
- Hotel Booking Receipts.
- Individual Electronic and Computerized Badges.

U.S. Entry Visa:
In order to facilitate the US entry visa processing for those who are not eligible for the Visa Waiver Program, we have instructed our Logistics Department to resort to services of an US-based Immigration Consultant Firm to obtain registered delegates' visas. Upon receipt of your visa application, the Legal consultant will submit it to the appropriate authorities in order to secure your travel documents in a very short period of time.

Workshop Fee Payment:
Upon acceptance of the Offered Sponsorship, the Registration Fee Invoice will be sent to you.

Once again, we thank you for your interest in our Training Workshops. And we are looking forward to receiving confirmation of your acceptance of the offered sponsorship.


Mrs. Sarah Cole,
International Delegates Coordinator
Registration Desk Staff Member
Training and Workshops
Charitas Network, Foundation for Sustainable Development
720 Olive Way
Seattle WA 98101
United States

This is to acknowledge receipt of your e-mail addressed to the Charitas Network. Your e-mail will be processed in a chronological manner. This is an automated response purely to assure you that your request has been received and that appropriate action will be taken.
Thank you for your co-operation.

Su mensaje dirigido a la Charitas Network fue recibido y será procesado cronológicamente. Esta respuesta automática es para asegurarle que su pedido ha sido recibido y la debida acción ha sido tomada.
Gracias por su cooperación.

Ceci est un accusé de réception de votre message adressé à la Charitas Network. Votre requête sera traitée de manière chronologique. Le but de cette réponse automatique est de vous confirmer la réception de votre demande ainsi que son traitement dans les meilleurs délais.
Merci de votre coopération.

Charitas Network, Foundation for Sustainable Development
720 Olive Way
Seattle WA 98101
United States
T. +1.206.424.8880
F. +1.206.350.9138

Charitas Network: Workshops Registration Confirmation Required.
You are required to acknowledge the receipt of this correspondence.

Thank you for submitting your acceptance of the Offered Sponsorship: A sponsorship package will be reserved under your name accordingly.

Registration Confirmation:
Please note that registration for the 1st session scheduled for January 27th - February 1st, 2014 has been closed, therefore we have transferred your registration to the 2nd session to be held March 24th - 29th, 2014.

You are therefore required to confirm your registration by completing the payment of your fees.

Workshop Fees Payment:
As of December 18, 2013 International Delegates are required to submit their registration fees payment through Bank Transfer.
In this way, you are kindly requested to submit your request for Bank/Wire Transfer details through our Online Payment Portal at:

Once again, we thank you for your interest in our Training Workshops. We are looking forward to receiving confirmation of your registration.

Sarah Cole,
International Delegates Coordinator
Registration Desk Staff Member
Training and Workshops
Charitas Network, Foundation for Sustainable Development
720 Olive Way
Seattle WA 98101
United States

Charitas Network: Training Workshops Registration Fee Invoice.
You are required to acknowledge the receipt of this correspondence.

Please find here attached to this email the Training Workshops registration fee invoice.

Registration Confirmation:
You are required to confirm your registration by completing the payment of your fees through Bank Transfer.

Workshop Fees Payment:
International Delegates' Payments addressed to the Charitas Network are processed through the appointed Event Management Firm "Izaak Tomaszewski Inc." ( in charge of processing and managing your registration information.

Bank Transfer should be completed with the following provided information:

Bank Account Number: 12 1090 0075 4830 4710 7066 7069
IBAN: PL12 1090 0075 4830 4710 7066 7069
Address: UL. RYNEK 9/11
50-950 WROCLAW

You are required to submit your Transaction Receipt for follow-up and confirmation at:

Once again, we thank you for your interest in our Training Workshops. We are looking forward to receiving confirmation of your registration.

Yours Sincerely,

Mr. Robert Samuels
Registration Desk
Training and Workshops
Charitas Network, Foundation for Sustainable Development
720 Olive Way
Seattle WA 98101
United States
T. +1.206.424.8880
F. +1.206.350.9138


The UIA is a self-funded research institute. Your donation helps us continue our work.
Any amount is appreciated!

About the Fraud Monitor

An increasing number of email scams are using NGOs, International NGOs, development agencies, meetings, international conferences etc as the hook to defraud or cheat unsuspecting recipients. Always use caution when responding to or acting on unsolicited bulk email or paper mail.

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De plus en plus d'escrocs agissant par courriel utilisent des organisations non gouvernementales et des organisations non gouvernementales internationales, agences de développement, réunions, conférences internationales…comme mobile pour abuser de la confiance de personnes. Soyez prudents lorsque vous répondez à des courriels ou lettres non sollicitées.