Fraud Monitor

Fraud Item: fraud / escroc / estafa: London Queen's Gate Hotel / George Cummings / UN-CSD

Fraudulent message

Subject: [INVITATION]: United Nations Conference on Sustainable @ London, United Kingdom.

17th - 20th March, 2017.
Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre (the QEIICC) London, United Kingdom).

Dear Invitee, Nonprofit/NGO Colleague,

On behalf of the organizing and scientific working committee, the United Nations Department for Sustainable Development invites you to a Four-day summit of Economists, Educationists, Administrators, Manufacturers, Researchers, Activist & Non-Governmental Organizations, Religious Leaders, Community Organizations, individuals from the Public and Private Sector from 17th - 20th March, 2017 in London (UK) to establish an inclusive and transparent intergovernmental process on SDGs that is open to all stakeholders with a view to developing global sustainable development goals. Aimed at reconciling the economic and environmental goals of the global community, and initiate a needed dialogue on the transformation of the international financial architecture, taking into account different national realities, capacities and levels of development and respecting national policies and priorities.

The decision to hold the conference was made by UN General Assembly Resolution 64/236 (A/RES/64/236) on December 2009. It was intended to be a high-level conference, including heads of state and government or other representatives and resulting in a focused political document designed to shape global environmental policy.

Date: 17th - 20th March, 2017.
Venue: Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre (the QEIICC) London, United Kingdom).
Conference Theme: Impact and implications of the global financial and economic crisis on sustainable development & climate change proposals for an integrated global response to the crisis.

Registration is "free" and strictly for invited individuals and organizations only. As an invitee, you have received a registration code UN/CSD-80663/LND/UK/2017 with the invitation letter, which grants you access to the registration form. The United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development will sponsor free travel costs and all-round flight ticket for all participant. Invited participants will only be responsible for their hotel accommodation and feeding cost at the London Queen's Gate Hotel. The Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre (the QEIICC) London, United Kingdom is the venue of this summit while the London Queen's Gate Hotel has been officially designated to accommodate all participant for this unique and prestigious global financial and economic crisis conference.

Participants will enjoy shows, attractions, activities, and tours available in host city. Entry visa authorization letter will be given to all confirmed participants who require a visa into United Kingdom through the Visa4UK office.

For further details about registration form, visa, flight ticket and other details, write an acceptance letter to be part of this event and send directly to the UNCSD Secretariat via e-mail: registration@UN-CSD.ORG

For more information call +44(0)793-74-33349.

Register Now!

George Cummings
Coordinator, Communications and Public Relations.


From: United Nations [CSD]
Date: January 2017
Subject: Re: Acceptance letter and request for facilitation of further steps

We would like to thank you for your expression of interest in participating in the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development - (UNCSD) which will take place from 17th - 20th March, 2017 @ Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre (the QEIICC) London, United Kingdom.

Read the registration guideline step by step carefully before starting your registration:-

(1). The duly filled forms should be signed and submitted along with other relevant registration documents electronically.

(2). When submitting your registration document, please ensure that you arrange them in the following order for submission:-

Invitation Letter/Email
Filled Registration Form
Reservation Confirmation Receipt (NB: online booking confirmation through website will NOT be accepted).

(3). There after please submit above listed document to the secretariat through the following e-mail: REGISTRATION@UN-CSD.ORG


Registration Modalities:
Registration is absolutely free and strictly for invited individuals and organizations only. As an invitee to this summit, you have received an attached registration form in this mail. Download and fill the registration form with the required information. Submit your completed registration form together with your confirmed reservation made at the London Queen's Gate Hotel. All participants will be accommodated at the London Queen's Gate Hotel. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss issues at the round table discussion session. All registration requirement (i.e) filled registration form and proof of accommodation confirmation receipt must reach the organizing secretary by e-mail: registration@UN-CSD.ORG not later than (3) working days from the date of this publication (today). Early submission of registration form is advised. Registration is on a first-come first-served basis.

Participants may apply as (Individual OR Group). Group application must consist of between one to two persons (1-2 persons) only. For document submission and paper presentations, contact e-mail: secretariat@UN-CSD.ORG or send through fax: +44(0)872 75 10220.

If you need visa to UK, you are strongly advised to indicate in your registration form. The United Nations will provide visa assistance to all invited participant that needs entry visa into the territory of the United Kingdom. Participants visa will be procured through the British Embassies or UK visa application centres worldwide. Visa issuance authorization letter will be given to confirmed participants and their entry visa will be issued within five (5) working days.

Air Flight Ticket & Ground Travel:
The United Nations Division for Social Policy and Economic Development, have made available “free” sponsorship for delegates air flight tickets that will be routed from delegates home country to London and from London back to delegates home country (To & Fro). All qualified participant will receive an all round free flight tickets at the British airways (BA) sales office in their country or at any of the BA affiliate airline office in their home country after the processing of travel documents. Although London is served by many international flights, British airways (BA) have been officially contracted to airlift participants to London. In some countries where British Airways do not operate, alternative airline will be provided. Participants pick-up from Airport-Hotel-Airport has been arranged by London Queen's Gate Hotel free of charge.

Language Interpretation:
Simultaneous interpretation will be provided in the following languages: English, French, Spanish, Russian, Turkish, Greek, Arabic and Chinese.

United Nations in conjunction with the British Council for Arts and Tourism have selected a standard hotel to accommodate delegates because of its good facilities and cheaper accommodation rates. Participants are to take responsibility of their hotel and feeding expenses in London for the duration of the 4 days summit. A booking receipt from the London Queen's Gate Hotel is required as a pre-requisite for registration. Note: We will not assist in paying for your accommodation charge and do urge you to take responsibility for your accommodation. Let it be known to you that if you fail to submit your final reservation confirmation receipt issued to you by the London Queen's Gate Hotel, it will be termed that you have withdrawn from this event and your participation file will be cancelled. For efficient coordination, all participating delegate must arrange their accommodation at the nominated hotel and provide us with the hotel final reservation confirmation. Participants will receive their air flight tickets and visa assistance, only when we receive completed registration form alongside with proof of their confirmed accommodation made at the London Queen's Gate Hotel. For reservation, contact the London Queen's Gate Hotel through the following telephone or e-mail:

The London Queen's Gate Hotel
32-34 Queen's Gate Drive,
SW7 5JA, London
United Kingdom.
Tel: +44(0) 745 208 1066
Fax: +44(0) 203 514 2474

There would be short visitation to London historical sites and monuments (Cabinet War Rooms and Churchill Museum, Trafalgar Square, Kensington Palace, Albert Memorial, and The Tower of London).

Meet us in London to assert a new change for a stronger society. We the peoples… A stronger UN for a better world.

Human and Community Development “The Key to Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction”.


Lewis Mulford,
Executive Coordinator, Communication and Public Relations
[United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD)].

Rio+20 logo.jpg
Tel: +44(0) 793 74 33349
Fax:+44(0) 872 75 10220


The UIA is a self-funded research institute. Your donation helps us continue our work.
Any amount is appreciated!

About the Fraud Monitor

An increasing number of email scams are using NGOs, International NGOs, development agencies, meetings, international conferences etc as the hook to defraud or cheat unsuspecting recipients. Always use caution when responding to or acting on unsolicited bulk email or paper mail.

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À Propos du Fraud Monitor

De plus en plus d'escrocs agissant par courriel utilisent des organisations non gouvernementales et des organisations non gouvernementales internationales, agences de développement, réunions, conférences internationales…comme mobile pour abuser de la confiance de personnes. Soyez prudents lorsque vous répondez à des courriels ou lettres non sollicitées.