Fraud Monitor

Fraud Item: Conference Invitation from Inter Welfare Organization

Fraudulent message

From: john smith
Date sent: Tue, 8 Sep 2009 11:16:01 +0000
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You are hereby notified that the Inter Welfare Organization (IWO) invites you to attend her youth conference holding in October 2009 in USA/UK. These ground-breaking meeting of the international youth movements and other related NGO's, where as many as 200 participants will convene to learn new ways to empower themselves and how to adhere to social norms shall be a fruitful one. These events shall offer our members and others the opportunity to learn, teach, inspire and being inspired. And also to explore the potential of a performance approach to unleash and nurture the human capacity to create, collaborate and change the world.

The meeting will provide a space where youth & women's rights advocates from diverse backgrounds and working on different issues can engage with each other and with like-minded donors, in order to:

* Provide quality prevention of abuse of the youth and women.
* Frankly discuss how NGO's and women's organizations and movements can work together
* Develop creative and innovative strategies to fight these social ills
* Advance child protection development through innovative projects

Unlike other events of IWO , instead, international planning committee which is headed
by Prof. Jason Donald, will design a comprehensive program and select speakers.

The programs shall include:
* Thought-provoking plenary;
* In-depth breakout sessions for strategy-development;
* Simulation games to fast-track learning;
* Capacity and skills-building sessions; and
* Debates to stimulate discussion.

In addition to the main program, the meeting will also host book launches, artistic and cultural activities and, as with all IWO events, plenty of space and opportunity for informal networking and alliance building. All plenary and selected breakout sessions will have interpretation into English, Spanish and French.

What happens if more than 200 apply? Anyone who is a member of an NGO or progressive youth or women's organization or community-based organization can apply to participate. If more than 200 people apply (as we anticipate), a global selection committee will select a representative 200 from among the applicants. This committee will ensure that the participants at the meeting are truly international and represent a diverse range of interests, issues, and regions. Preference will be given to organizations working for youth & women's rights from South East Asia, Latin America and Africa .


The combined conferences are of two segments.

The first segment shall commence in Andalusia, Alabama USA on 13TH till 16th october , 2009.The venue is BLUE LAKE AUDITORIUM, 8569 Oakwood lane, Andalusia , Alabama 36241 , USA ..

The second segment shall take place in London from 19th october till 22nd of october, 2009 at FLOSSIES CONFERENCE CENTRE Station Road, East Tisted, Near Alton, Hampshire , GU34 3QP , London, United Kingdom .


IWO has set up an Access Fund to support the travel costs and hotel room bills for participants who are unable to raise sufficient funds on their own. All participants however will be expected to fund raise for their hotel bills in the UK which will not be waived. This will help ensure that only those who most need and want to be at the meeting will be there. Applicants who need assistance can apply to the Access Fund at the same time they apply to participate.


The Protocol Officers of these events shall be on ground to Pick-Up and drop-Off delegates and these transportations are free.


All Interested organizations should forward information about their organization's Aims and objectives, profile and Achievement so far. Participants MUST be a group of 5-10 persons to qualify for registration. The dead line for the registration should be given by the secretary of ( IWO ) Dr. Mrs. Dafny Mcwest

We also send greetings to all our members with much regards to all volunteers and sponsors of our events. Of all, the tools at our disposal to promote the security of people, none offers great potential than the one we are using. Yet this medium of fighting against child labour, abuse and neglect is still to be used to its fullest. We are only at the beginning of the curve in determining the potential of this new tool. As we see the explosion of public enterprises, e-commerce and integrated networks that is driving the private sector ahead, we need an equivalent boost to serve the public good and to also advance the welfare and safety of individual world over.


All intending participants to this forthcoming conference in USA and UK must put many things into considerations before taking decision to participate in this event. Provisions have been made for participants which include: all round flight tickets, feeding and accommodation in the US . These will be taken care of by our sponsors. Delegates will take care of their hotel reservation in the UK during the second conference as our sponsors did not make provisions for that. The delegates who needs the authorization of the USA visas to participate in this event must pay for the hotel reservations in the UK while our sponsors would pay the hotel bills for all delegates in the USA . Note that delegates MUST attend the two segments of the conference.

If you have considered thus, then you should give us the go ahead by reaching us with the particulars of your delegates to the US bureau of immigrant affairs to open your visa file by sending email to us with the participants names and passports as soon as you have verified. This will enable us know those that are coming for the conference really and must go back to their countries after the combine conference. Delegates should contact the secretary for details of the selected hotels which are close to the venue of the event and at cheaper rates. In order to receive the conference materials as well as other information, contact the coordinator:John Smith with: (

Yours faithfully
JOHN SMITH (Coordinator-IWO)


The UIA is a self-funded research institute. Your donation helps us continue our work.
Any amount is appreciated!

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An increasing number of email scams are using NGOs, International NGOs, development agencies, meetings, international conferences etc as the hook to defraud or cheat unsuspecting recipients. Always use caution when responding to or acting on unsolicited bulk email or paper mail.

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