Encyclopedia of World Problems - Archived Information

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Human Development - Entry content and organization

Ordering of entries

Entries in the hardcopy version are in numeric order. Entry numbers have been allocated randomly; they have no significance other than as a permanent point of reference to facilitate indexing, cross-referencing, and updating between editions.
Index access to entries
The location of an entry in this sub-section may be determined from:
  • the Volume Index (Section X) on the basis of keywords in the name of the entry or its alternate names
  • the cross-references from human values (see Section V)
Structure of entries
Entries may be composed of the following descriptive elements:
  • Entry number: This number has no significance, except as a convenient method of identifying the entry (particularly for indexing purposes), of filing information on it, and as an identifier to which cross-references from other entries (possibly in other sections) may refer in this and future editions. The first letter of the entry number refers to the section of this volume in which the sub-section, denoted by the second letter, is located.
  • Entry name: This is printed in bold characters. It may be followed by alternative names when appropriate. In certain cases these may include non-English terms when these are recognized as being more precise than the English translation.
  • Description: Brief description of the concept or approach.
  • Context: Indication of the context within which the mode of awareness is recognized.

Bibliographical references

Entries may be followed by some bibliographical references. Further bibliographical details to the publications cited are given, by author, in the section bibliography (Section HY).
Cross-referencing of entries
At the end of any entry, there may be cross-references to other entries. These indicate the number and name of the cross- referenced entry, whether within this Section or in other Sections. There are 5 possible types of cross-references:
  • Broader: Broader or more general concept (or more comprehensive mode of awareness)
  • Narrower: Narrower or more specific concept (or more specific mode of awareness)
  • Related: Related or associated concept (or associated mode of awareness)
  • Preceded by: Concepts that precede the entry in some developmental sequence. Preceding or prior mode of awareness (in a succession or cycle)
  • Followed by: Concepts that follow the entry in some developmental sequence. Following or subsequent mode of awareness (in a succession or cycle)